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Railway transport fee. How is it calculated in Austria?

Railway transport fee. How is it calculated in Austria?
photo: Archives/Railway
31 / 12 / 2021

The additional charges need to be paid by the RU for the services incorporated in the minimum access charge bundle. the track access charge is following the provisions of the Railway Act and the EU Commission Implementing Decree 2015/909 the track access fee involves the following components

- Train kilometer segment per market segment

- Average-ton-kilometer component per market segment

- Reductions/supplements

the calculation equation for the track access fee for market segments per train run is

TAC =(train-km x tr) + (Gtkm x gtk) ± reductions/supplements

Track access fees comprise the cost directly created by the train operation, surcharges, and reductions/supplements. A financial solution that follows Ramsey-Boiteux price-setting method gets used to estimate the surcharges. While estimating the track access fee, large load capacity market segments get impacted the most.  

The carrying limits for each segment get calculated using the inverse of the track access charge elasticity value.

this track access charge elasticity value copies modifications in RU customer demand in each market segment due to changes in the track access fee.

The proximate load volume capacity for each market segment has been determined, based on the track access charge elasticity values.

The determination of the track access charge per market segment including markups, also considers that the track access charge must cover the costs directly incurred by the train operation and admits it's a calculated loss of demand of a Maximum of 1%.

The Markups get divided into four subgroups:

-        Commercial passenger traffic

-        Public service long-distance passenger traffic

-        Short-distance high

-        Short distance low

The next offers and discounts constitute an integral part of the track access charge:

Supplement for congested rail infrastructure (in train kilometers)

- The supplement reflects the scarcity of instruction infrastructure capacity on a specific route section during congested periods

Performance administration (defined by minutes)

- The performance regime provides a system of incentives to improve timeliness

Traction unit aspect

- The traction unit Factor provides system incentives to encourage traction units that protect the track. For this purpose, traction units that damaged the tracks incur a supplement, and traction units that protect the track incur a reduction. In principle, the system of incentives gets reassessed in a five-year cycle. The results of the next assessment will get incorporated when setting fees for the 2024 running timetable period (e.g. adaptation or decision regarding the continuation of the system). 

Noise-differentiated track access charge element (in axle kilometers)

- Until December 31, 2021(for the 2022 running time schedule period, i.e. from December 12, 2021, to December 31, 2021), railway undertakings will get entitled to a reduced track access charge (noise bonus reduction) if they use cargo wagons adjusted with composite brake blocks for cargo traffic services on the ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG railroad system. 
