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Railpool´s fleet expands, Railpool plans to purchase more locomotives

Railpool´s fleet expands, Railpool plans to purchase more locomotives
photo: https://www.railpool.eu/en/company/locomotive-gallery#&gid=lightbox-group-259&pid=55/Raipool´s locomotive
27 / 01 / 2021

Railpool plans to purchase more locomotives in the following years. This operation will be financed by a total of 4 banks for a period of seven years.

Specifically, these are the following banking institutions: KfW IPEX-Bank, ABN AMRO Bank, Crédit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank, and ING Bank. KfW IPEX-Bank has the role of global coordinator, while loan intermediaries are other banking companies.

“We are very pleased with this financing that we have successfully implemented together with our long-standing partners. It enables us to grow further and to expand our vehicle portfolio,” said Ingo Wurzer, the CFO of the Railpool Group, to the media.

“With this financing, we are highlighting our position as one of the leading banks for rail transport projects in Europe. For us, the financing represents another milestone in our support of Railpool’s growth process which began twelve years ago when the company was established with our involvement,” said Andreas Ufer, member of the KfW IPEX-Bank Management Board responsible for the transaction.

Railpool thus obtained funds for the purchase of new locomotives, which will be connected to the existing rolling stock, which already includes 400 electric locomotives. In the past, more than a billion euros have been invested in this fleet.

Railpool expanded its financing as early as 2019. At that time, the company managed to secure financing in the amount of EUR 30 million. With the help of this financing, 30 new locomotives were purchased. 10 of them were manufactured by Siemens, namely Vectron locomotives. Another twenty locomotives were electric and were of the Traxx type.

In December 2020, Bombardier Transportation announced that it would supply 200 Traxx locomotives to Railpool out of a total of 232 locomotives ordered.

However, this was not the only collaboration between Bombardier Transportation and the leasing company Railpool. In December 2020, an agreement was signed on the modernization of 73 Traxx MS2 locomotives using the ETCS system, which we informed you about.

Railpool had a great ending of the year 2020 and the beginning of 2021. In November 2020, new branch Railpool Italia also started operating. It leased 6 pieces of E494 bomber locomotives with the “Last-Mile” function to Captrain Italia. Our editorial staff also informed you about this event.
